Last month we launched self-published 7 authors in 6 weeks. This month, to finish off the 2019 spring book launch season, we have 4 authors launching in 4 weeks!

Our publishing, design, editing and print teams are buzzing (both with pride and caffeine) as we see writers become authors and their years of hard work become available for the world to read.

So take your pick – there’s a genre for everyone!

Syahidah Ismail | @syahidahwrites

Saltwater Spirits (Fiction)

There are only a handful of contemporary Malay-Singaporean authors out there and Syhidah is only the second to be authoring a book outside Malaysia.

Syhidaha’s book launched in the Top 100 on Amazon’s Coming of Age category and is now available on Amazon! 

Whitney Vandiver | @WhitneyVandiver_author

Oleanders In June (Historical Fiction)

Teaming with imagery and thickened with historical relevance, Oleanders in June is the compelling tale of an island’s most pivotal moment and emotionally captivating debut.

Available on Amazon June 8, 2019! 

Aubri Black | @AubriBlack

Did He Hit You? A memoir of secrets, survival and subtle abuse

“It happens slowly; small things that are only sort of okay that become normal. Before long, you’re going against things you once believed and jumping into a chemical waste bin. All for ‘love.'”
Available on Amazon June 11, 2019

Joanna Vandervlugt | @jcvartstudio

The Unravelling (Fiction)

“Who says designers can’t design their own books?” Joanna is a designer with TSPA and we’re thrilled she finally decided to take her legal thriller out of the drawer, dust it off and publish it. And yes, she designed the cover because there are no rules to say she shouldn’t.

Available on Amazon June 16, 2019

If you want to check out the titles that launched last month, click here!